I will admit that it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. We're driven and aspiring, but also ignoring certain needs or important quality times. Modeling presents long workdays and long, consuming trips. Our time can seem to be robbed. That's why finding a balance between your professional and personal life is essential to our peace.
A good example of a work and life balance cycle is the following visual list:
Work-Life: productive work, appreciation, social working environment, flexible working hours, measures for health, nutrition, and exercise.
Private Life: family and partnership, friendships, love life and dating, hobbies and interests, exercise and health, quality sleep, relaxation, and self-reflection.
Seek to be productive when working on your modeling career and make sure what you do is fulfilling to you. As you produce and create work, see that you are being appreciated and appreciate yourself. Place yourself in positive environments where you can create meaningful, professional relationships and connections. Flexible working hours may vary depending on the project you're working on or booked for. Time management would affect the entire team. Measures for health, nutrition, and exercise matter in your professional life. I know that McDonald's may be convenient but it's important to stay disciplined and eat what will benefit your body.
In your private life, family, partnerships, and friendships are so important. These are people you can rely on and who will support you. They will comfort you, encourage you and remind you that you are more than just your work. These are also the people you can vent to, share with, and release to. This includes your love life and dating. As humans, we desire love and intimacy. While for some it's distracting and not a priority, for others it's a wonderful and private thing they hold precious.
I know we all can agree that sleep is a beautiful thing. No further explanation is needed am I right? Taking time to relax and self-refect is so beneficial. Relaxing has the following health benefits: improves concentration, improves digestion, increases blood flow, lessens anger and frustration, lowers blood pressure, lowers risk of stroke, promotes emotional well-being, reduces fatigue, reduces inflammation, and slows heart rate. Self-reflection also has multiple benefits such as self-improvement, clear thinking, managing stress, and anxiety, tracking your progress, and living with more intention. In short, have some alone time.
I hope these work and life balances are applicable to you and helpful to you. I sure can work on my own work and life balance too.