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Let's Talk Mental Health

Emilly Marrero

The modeling industry can be very tough and competitive. If your mindset is not strong or ready to face the industry, serious issues can be developed. The real preparation begins here. Before all the glamour, makeup, runways, clothes, flashing lights, casting calls, meetings, designers, what is your mental state? Some of the two biggest inflictions on the fashion industry are mental illness and eating disorders. My hope is that these never occur to you, but that you are fully knowledgeable about certain realities.

Mental Illness

The two largest and most common mental illnesses in the fashion industry are Depression and Anxiety. The fast-paced, heavily public nature of fashion could be one of the many contributing factors to the higher-than-average amount of mental health disorders among people associated with the fashion industry.

Psychologist and Professor at University of West London, Victoria Tischler, shared some insights with FashionUnited on why individuals working within the fashion industry can be particularly high at risk of developing mental health issues: ”High pressure to be original and innovative and to work excessive hours. Constant pressure of the industry to come up with ‘next big thing’, cult of youth, and culture of working around the clock and therefore not getting enough rest that puts mental health at risk.”

Eating Disorders

The two most common eating disorders facing many models today are Anorexia and Bulimia. These are rooted in the high physical and beauty standards of the fashion industry.

Another model Zusanna Buschwald, who worked for major brands within the fashion industry publically shared that modeling pressures women to look a certain way, lose weight, and practice unhealthy behaviors to maintain dangerously low weights.

She reported that she had ceased having a menstrual cycle for over three years, struggled with teeth issues, and noticed changes in her skin color, hair texture, and loss of hair. She reported further that she was a size 0-2 for her modeling career, and remembers being the most admired at this size, even though she felt unhealthy, weak, and unhappy.

A Strong Mind

Here are 4 steps with tips, that I've applied to help create a strong mind:

1. Prioritize Information

Tip: If possible, assign a theme to each day. When you focus on one specific type of work each day of the week, it helps you stay accountable and monitor progress. It also helps you stay focused on work.

2. Use Your Brain to Manage Stress

Tip: Be grateful. Gratitude emanates from the limbic system, and because of this, we can use gratitude to influence other emotions such as anxiety and fear.

3. Label All Emotions, Not Just the Good Ones

Tip: When you reflect on your feelings and label them, you use your thinking part of the brain to control your emotions instead of allowing them to control you.

4. Train Your Brain to Remain Positive

Tip: Social psychologist Barbara Frederickson recommends that when you’re under pressure, you can develop a strong mind if you pause and reflect on five things in life that are truly important to you. Pause after each one to ponder them for several seconds. Ground yourself in the simple reality that no amount of hassle or worry can rob us of what matters most.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. You are being equipped and prepared for the fashion industry. Modeling is skill and good health. Your mental health is so important and should be prioritized.

Next, is to take good care of your physical health!

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