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Submitting Time!

Emilly Marrero

You're one step closer to becoming an established and working model. You have a well-developed portfolio and social media. Time for the world to see who are you.


Starting with a mother agent.

A mother agent can also be a scout that discovered you and helped you get started.

A mother agency will help you learn the industry and start building your modeling portfolio or "book". A good mother agency will provide advice and guidance on the best direction for your career. They may also promote you to photographers and clients in your local area so that you can book jobs and start building your book with "tests" and "tearsheets".

Mother agents will guide you in your new venture modeling career. They have many years of experience in the modeling industry, beneficial to you. As all agencies go, there will be a contract to sign covering agency fees and commission for the mother agent.

How do I know which agency to submit to?

It can be a daunting decision as to who you want to represent you and book you for work. Researching will be your best friend. Also, refer to your mother agent as they will be familiar with the agencies.

You can begin by researching local locations. You can submit digitally or easily attend an in-person casting call.


What should I submit to an agency?

Every agency has its own set of requirements when it comes to submissions. There will be measurement requirements such as height and hips. Other requirements include age and a variety of skills.

Upload those digitals and portfolio photos you've taken to demonstrate your abilities. Have someone measure you and have those memorized. The submission site will be clear on what must be included.

Submitting digitally is one side, but attending a casting call requires preparation. The next blog will help you!

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